Our Otters reviewed hand washing technique and the importance of keeping hands clean in camp. Experienced Otters practiced putting on bandaids.
Our Pathfinders build fires that were lit by just two matches and cooked a meal using just billy cans. Recently we participated in a local 4th of July ceremony to represent inclusive scouting. Thanks to the Livingston 4th of July Committee for including us among our sibling scouting organizations.
At our June meeting while the Pathfinders were getting the basics of woods tools, the Timberwolves worked on laying and lighting their own fires. We reviewed fire safety & things a fire needs and searched for tinder and kindling at our meeting site.
The Timberwolves & two ambitious Otters were quite successful! One Timberwolf, S was able to light her fire with just two matches--and keep it going! The 28th was proud to participate in a Rainbow Story Time at the Livingston Public Library and be present at this year's Livingston Pride Flag Raising to show support for the LGBTQ+ community.
The 28th co-hosted the Northeast Regional Moot with the 34th Woodland Rangers at Camp Dewitt. A Moot is a gathering of scouts and we were happy to share adventures with 200+ scouts from around the Northeast Region and even some from the Mid-Atlantic.
Our Otters joined the Yellow Den. The went on a scavenger hunt, did an obstacle course, learned how to build shelter and made a mobile out of found things in nature. Our Pathfinders were in two Patrols in Pathfinder camp and learned about dutch oven cooking, signaling and did lots of cooking over the camp fire. The weekend was finished off with a large campfire with all scouts as well as scout olympics. At our May meeting the Timberwolves made an edible fire with different snack foods as part of the components of a fire. We also played a group game and made Morse Code Bracelets.
We went down to PA for our 2nd PANJABALLOO camp out with PA groups. We shared adventures with the 34th Woodland Rangers, 64th Brandywine and the 309th Wissahickon. Our first night was postponed due to the weather but we broke up into section patrols. Our Otters enjoyed making seed bombs, harmonicas and bracelets. The Pathfinders present built 2 match fires and did the majority of the cooking for the Otters & Rovers in the joint 28th/34th kitchen.
Normally outdoor based, we indulged in some indoor science fun with our sibling scout groups at LSC. For some scouts, taking the plunge sleeping over indoors can be a great step towards outdoor camping.