Look well, oh wolves, look well!Timberwolves are 8-10 by 12/31 of the scout program year and are beginning to learn more difficult outdoor and scout skills such as: knot tying, fire building, camping overnight and nature conservation. A group of 6 scouts form a Six with a leader called a Sixer, and an assistant called a 2nd. The large group of Timberwolves is called a Pack.
Timberwolves may be dropped off at meetings, outings and camping trips provided all safety guidelines are in place. Tenderpad
A Timberwolf earns their Tenderpad after learning the Timberwolf Motto, Sign, Law and other basics a Timberwolf scout should know. First & Second Star
A Timberwolf earns their First Star after demonstrating physical skills, basic knots, bicycle safety, telling time on an analog clock and Flag skills. A Timberwolf earns their Second Star after demonstrating the ability to build and light a fire, send messages, basic first aid, harder knots & nature skills. A Timberwolf must also repass the Tenderpad tests. Silver Leaping Wolf
A Timberwolf can earn their Silver Leaping Wolf after they earn their two stars, certain mandatory proficiencies and some of choice. They also must camp 10 nights with their packs and have participated in 8 day hikes and 4 night hikes. This is the highest level award that a Timberwolf may wear on their uniform. Gold Leaping Wolf
A Timberwolf who holds their Silver Leaping Wolf, has participated in a Pathfinder Troop activity and passed the Pathfinder Tenderfoot Tests may earn the Gold Leaping Wolf upon Leaping Up to Pathfinders. This award is worn on the Pathfinder Uniform. |
Special Proficiency Badges
A Timberwolf may begin to earn and wear special proficiency badges after earning their First Star. |